Receive And Transmit The Cosmic Frequencies That Eliminate The Root Cause Of Trauma and Disease!
Imagine How It Would Feel...

To activate healing for yourself and others that is profoundly life-changing, just through the resonance of your energy field!

To share easy-to-use tools that heal the root cause of any and all disease, transforming chaos into beautiful Divine Order.

To reconnect yourself and others to their soul’s purpose for this lifetime.

To help yourself and others master the process of conscious creation for abundant manifestation.

To empower yourself and others to create the highest good from the field of infinite potential, with ease and grace!
The Golden Ray Initiations™ is an alchemical healing system that works with the Golden Ray of Divine Wisdom & Cosmic Consciousness to activate your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body through a process of energetic initiation.
Your Rainbow Body is your 7 chakras unified as One Cosmic Chakra, and your most powerful healing tool as a Golden Ray Activator.
Your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body is:

Your Cosmic Chakra System
Your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body is the evolution of your chakra system to align with the principles of Cosmic Consciousness.
By balancing and unifying the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within through a process of initiation and activation, you align with the Law of Oneness.

Your Healing Time Travel System
Through the activation of your Inner Central Sun, you are able to travel energetically through time and space, healing the root cause of trauma and restoring the primordial vibration of Oneness.

Your Template (Temple) for Cosmic Creation
It activates the Cosmic Template of Creation in your energy field so you can create your reality in alignment with Cosmic Law. Cosmic Law is the highest form of healing because it regulates the creation of Life in accordance with Divine Order; peace, harmony and balance.

Your Access to Multidimensional Awareness
Your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body contains the Records of Creation and the Wisdom of your Soul. Wisdom comes to your awareness as knowing, as and when you need it.
Once brought out of dormancy through the process of initiation, your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body system massively expands your capacity to receive and transmit the cosmic frequencies of peace, harmony and balance.
This enhances your ability to activate healing and ascension for yourself and others simply through the resonance of your energy field.
Additionally, it protects your energy field from any kind of interference or draining.
Your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body meets you at your current frequency and expands with you as your consciousness continues to expand.
To assist with the collective ascension, it receives the cosmic frequencies that enable you to resonate with the New Earth Template of Light.
Through your resonance field you effortlessly transduce the cosmic ascension frequencies of Source, enabling them to be received and transmitted through the planetary system of Mother Earth, uplifting the collective consciousness, for the highest good of all.
As you raise your vibration and upgrade your DNA, you raise the vibration of the planet and contribute to the restoration of the planetary crystalline DNA, bringing peace, balance and harmony through you, as you.
Origin Of The Golden Ray Initiations
In 2012 at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, supported by the energies of the Venus transit on June 6th, the first Golden Ray Initiation, The Great Solar Light Key, was gifted to us through Ahtayaa from the Great Central Sun. During sacred ceremony it was grounded into the Earth realm to assist with the next phase of the Great Awakening. It is the key to the activation of the Inner Central Sun and Sacred Heart of Creation.
The Great Solar Light Key™ opens the portal in the center of your heart that connects you to the Records of Creation and channels the Golden Ray of peace, harmony and balance through you, as you. This portal is otherwise known as your Inner Central Sun.
When your Inner Central Sun is ignited through the Great Solar Light Key attunement process, and your Golden Merkaba is brought online , you begin a process of expansion and awakening to your multi-dimensional awareness. You are ready to start driving your life to new heights, experiencing deeper levels of peace, harmony, love and joy.
You align with the highest good of Cosmic Law, manifesting peace, harmony and balance through the cosmic perspective
Old wounds and past life traumas that are affecting your wellbeing begin to rapidly drop away as you become the beautiful embodiment of Divine Order.
Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body
Initiation Series
Learn more about each of The 7 Golden Ray Initiations
1st Initiation ~ Great Solar Light Key Attunement
Duration: 25 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitators: Ahtayaa Leigh and the 12 Keepers Of The Eye
During this powerful ascension key attunement, the Inner Central Sun of your Heart is initiated to receive the Cosmic Frequencies of Light from the Source of Creation in the Great Central Sun.
The Inner Central Sun is your gateway to Source and the Golden Akashic Records of your soul. It's the cosmic portal that connects you with your unique Divine Plan to be channeled through you, as your life.
When you are attuned to the Great Solar Light Key you open a sacred connection between your Inner Central Sun, the Great Central Sun and Mother Gaia's Inner Sun.
You become a clear conduit for the Golden Ray of peace, balance, harmony, love, wisdom and joy to be channeled through your energy system into the planetary system for ascension, and vice versa.
You are the link between the celestial energies of the Universe and Earth.
You are the key to raising the vibration of the planet.
As the first step in activating your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body and Unique God Code (aka Divine Plan), the GSLK attunement helps you connect with your inner strength and purpose, and compels you to balance the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within you.
When you balance your own energy field you help bring peace and balance to Earth.
2nd Initiation ~ Golden Merkaba Activation
Duration: 60 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitators: Ahtayaa Leigh and the 12 Keepers Of The Eye
During this activation you will lay the energetic foundation for your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body of Light.
Your Golden Merkaba is your cosmic frequency generator that forms your multidimensional light body and is connected to the Great Central Sun through your Inner Central Sun.
Your Golden Merkaba regulates the golden light source energy received through the Inner Central Sun of your heart, meeting you at your current frequency and expanding with you as your consciousness awakens through engagement with the Cosmic Key Template of Creation.
3rd Initiation ~ Cosmic Key Rainbow Body Initiation
Duration: 60 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitators: Ahtayaa Leigh and the 12 Keepers Of The Eye
During this initiation your Golden Merkaba is activated with the Cosmic Key Template by traveling through the 22 pathways of the 7 core chakras.
As the final step in actualizing your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body, the Cosmic Key initiation transforms your 7 chakra system into the Rainbow Light Body, unifying it with Oneness, or Wholeness.
According to the 12 Keepers, The Cosmic Key is the long sought after Holy Grail, which receives, translates and transmits the Manna of Heaven (spiritual nourishment) through you, as you, and into the light grid of the planet.
The geometric formulas in the Cosmic Key Template activate the force of creation in human consciousness that enables access to the Records of Creation without distortion or restriction.
This template represents a complete geometric cosmology of the holographic, fractal Universe and the Divine Order of Creation. As above, so below, the same geometric formulas are repeated at every level of creation. It is the geometric structure of your multidimensional light body and every cell in your body.
All sacred geometry, mathematical formulas and symbols of Creation are contained within this template and available to be manifested through your intention as illuminant energy in the material world in peace, balance, harmony, abundance, clarity, strength, courage and unconditional love.
The light information in this template is stored in the Mayan Codices of Light and the Atlantean Gold Disks.
The origin of which is long before the Mayan and Atlantean civilizations. This wisdom was brought to Earth by the Illuminant Ones aeons ago. The solar light codes contained within the codices were instrumental to the enlightenment of every major advanced civilization on Earth. The Atlantean, Mayan, Incan, Egyptian etc.
During the illusion of separation, the existence and power of the unseen realms and dimensions were hidden from the majority of humanity.
The codes of the Cosmic Key Template have always laid dormant deep in the inner realms, awaiting the prophesied time when we would pass through the solar time gates that would connect us with the Truth of Universal Wisdom once again.
With the Cosmic Emergence reaching a critical point during the Spring Equinox of 2018, the Gate to Infinity is now open and the force of creation is able to be experienced through human consciousness once again, for the highest good of all.
Through the Cosmic Key Template activation your energy system is able to resonate Cosmic Law through you, as you, for the highest good of all.
Your aura expands and you begin to emerge as a fully aware multi-dimensional human being of Rainbow Light.
As part of this very special activation you will create the Cosmic Key Template cosmogram for yourself. (no artist skills necessary!)
This process integrates the mathematical formulas and geometrical light codes of the Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body into your energy system. You are empowered to engage with the primordial vibration of Cosmic Consciousness that manifests the Divine Plan of Peace, Harmony and Balance through you, as your life.
4th Initiation ~ Cosmic Frequency Generator
Duration: 60 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitators: Ahtayaa Leigh and the Galactic Mayans
The Illumination is a cosmic frequency generator system planted here on Earth aeons ago by the Galactic Mayans. It contains the mathematical formulas for the cosmic frequencies of Light. It receives and transmits cosmic frequencies from the infinite Source of Creation in the Great Central Sun translating the fractal formulas of light into life giving, illuminant energy that can be used by humanity to create reality from the infinite supply of light from Source in alignment with Cosmic Law, peace, harmony and balance.
This attunement links your energy system to the Earth's Solar Portals and the frequencires of the New Earth Template of Light.
You only need to listen once to receive the attunement. It’s common to fall asleep during the activation. If this happens it’s a good thing. Your conscious thinking mind is stepping out of the way to allow the activation to embed in your subconscious. Even if you fall asleep, the codes of illumination will blend with your energy system right away, adjusting your frequency in steps that are for your highest good in the manifestation of your divine plan for the highest good of all.
That said, feel free to re-listen as many times as you wish. For example, you may wish to listen again if you fell asleep so that you can experience the activation with full awareness.
5th Initiation ~ Cosmic Mind Shift
Duration: 30 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitators: Ahtayaa Leigh and The Cosmic Mind
With this attunement you will:
- open a mindgate linking your mind with the Cosmic Mind and the intelligence of the Universe.
- release the burdens of the mind by handing over your thoughts to be guided by Spirit to right thinking and right action in the manifestation of your divine plan for the highest good of all.
- dissolve old template mental programming that is based in fear, lack and limitation.
- strengthen your telepathic connection with your multidimensional star family so you can send and receive messages with clarity in the advancement of your divine plan.
- drop all self deceptions that distort your perception of reality and connect with the Truth of who you are as a cosmic being of light.
- dissolve self limiting thought patterns.
6th Initiation ~ Cosmic Timegate
Duration: 45 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitator: Ahtayaa Leigh and the Galactic Mayans
With the help of the Galactic Mayans, activate a cosmic time gate in your energy field that you can use to go beyond linear time.
You can step into your cosmic time gate at any time to call into your NOW the light information from any space, time or dimension that will help you in the manifestation of your highest good, and the highest good of all NOW.
Enter the stargate with your questions and intentions and allow the light to come to you.
7th Initiation ~ Universal Karmic Release
Duration: 30 Minutes
Format: Online
Facilitator: Ahtayaa Leigh and The Lords of Light
The Illumination will locate the root of any and all karmic residues or energetic distortions left anywhere in your multidimensional energy field from the old template and dissolve all associated energies into the New Earth Template of Light to be healed FOREVER!
Free yourself from the trials and stories of the past and release yourself from anxiety about the future!
Activation Of The Cosmic Frequencies
Receiving and Transmitting The Cosmic Resonance
The Cosmic Frequencies are the sound frequencies expressed in Hz that activate the chakra system to resonate with Cosmic Law, creating peace, harmony, balance and beauty as part of a holistic, self-generating, self-sustaining energy system.
When the Cosmic Frequencies are played to activate the chakras they create a cosmic resonance field that receives and transmits the principles of cosmic consciousness, through you, as you.
The higher cosmic frequencies attune your energy system so that low frequency distortions are gently eliminated and transmuted into peace, harmony and balance at the energetic level, where the root cause is stored. When your energy system is attuned to the cosmic principles of peace, harmony and balance, you’re able to maintain a sense of inner peace and calm, even when there is chaos around you. This ability is crucial to transmute the distortions that arise individually and collectively as we shift permanently into the higher frequencies of peace and love.
The Cosmic Frequencies, the Cosmic Key and all the cosmic energy healing tools you receive act like tuning forks, harmonizing your energy field and awakening your creative awareness of Cosmic Law, so that it becomes an active force in your life. By opening the channel of communication to the Golden Akasha of your soul, you’re naturally drawn to the right thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions that create your life experiences in harmony with Cosmic Law for the highest good of all.
What To Expect
As you work with these energies you will begin to notice a beautiful sense of balance, peace, harmony, courage and strength.
You'll find you have a heightened ability to stay calm and centered, even when in the middle of challenging circumstances.
You'll likely experience an increased frequency of synchronicity, a deeper connection with your soul and greater clarity about your spiritual journey. The steps you need to take on the path of least resistance will open up to you with ease and grace.
Just one week after receiving the Golden Ray Initiations I can already feel that my frequency has gone through the roof! I feel so much more peace and balance, I have a deeper connection with my soul’s path, a chronic ailment is clearing up and my psychic abilities have been massively amplified!
I’ve been able to relieve childhood traumas and not feel the pain of those traumas AT ALL! I mean… the PAIN IS NOT THERE ANYMORE! The pain has been replaced by a palpable sense of peace, compassion and acceptance.
Within 24 hours I began rapidly processing past life traumas in my dream state, cutting away fears that have plagued me for lifetimes.
I have a deeper connection with my path, and am receiving daily confirmations and synchronicities that validate my mission and reveal the next steps I am meant to take. I’m so excited to see how this will develop because I know that these activations will continue to have a positive impact for the rest of my life!
Prior to working with you I felt “stuck” in a perpetual cycle of judgement, emotional malaise and physical pain. I wanted to get outside of myself, feel more connected to nature and people.
I noticed that within days years of repressed feelings started bubbling up for release.
I encourage other empaths that I encounter to consider the Golden Ray Initiations because of its foundations of Love and its broad aspects regarding the techniques of healing. Basically, nothing escapes the Golden Ray’s healing potential when one intends and is open to its healing work.
You have such an open, loving heart that is so attractive and beckons people to your presence! Keep on making the world a better place Ahtayaa!
Right around the time I met Ahtayaa I was trying to find myself and my true purpose here on earth. I felt confused, lost and unsure of everything. I knew I had it in me to be a writer but I didn’t know how.
After my activation I started feeling more sure of myself and more confident. Immediately following the sessions I was able to finish my book in 2 weeks. I felt less indecisive and all of a sudden it was like I had answers to the questions I have been wondering about for years.
Thanks to the Golden Ray Initiations I was able to find my purpose.
If you’re considering joining the Golden Ray Initiations, GO FOR IT! If you’re struggling to find your purpose DEFINITELY join…. You will find peace of mind.
I was attracted to the Golden Ray Initiations because I knew I can heal people with the golden light/energy, but I didn’t know how to use it or I didn’t know if the way I use it is ok. So I found the Golden Ray Initiations were perfect for me.
I started using the golden ray healing right away and I have great success. I use it with other techniques that I remembered and it represents a major part of the healing sessions.
I would really recommend you do the Golden Ray Initiations with Ahtayaa if you are interested in taking your healing practice to a higher level. It is a very powerful tool and you can do so much good with it. I feel it is much stronger and more useful than the reiki I used before. My healing practice has now evolved and I have clarity about my path!
Everything You Need To Become A Confident Golden Ray Activator!

Learn how to facilitate life-changing activations with easy-to-use cosmic resonance energy tools and techniques that get results, fast!

Gain comprehensive knowledge and wisdom about the practice of energy healing with the Golden Ray, whilst being able to explain it in a way that others can easily understand.

Awaken deeper levels of cosmic wisdom and awareness through the activation of your own inner cosmos, expanding your cosmic resonance field so that your very presence attunes those around you who are open to receive the higher cosmic frequencies for their highest good.

Introducing The Certified Golden Ray Activator Course
With a transformational blend of theory, practice and energetic attunement, the Golden Ray Activator certification is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive online energy healing course that teaches you how to facilitate powerful healing activations channeling the Golden Ray and Cosmic Frequencies of Creation. The Cosmic Frequencies transmute chaos into order and separation into unity. They empower the 7 Cosmic Laws of Creation to be active forces in your energy field, allowing the process of creation to unfold in alignment with Divine Order; in peace, harmony and balance.
Golden Ray activations restore the recipients' energy field to its primordial vibration of Oneness, before any distortions were created. They realign and entrain the energy field to resonate with Cosmic Law, and in the process eliminate the root cause of energetic distortions that cause illness and trauma. Energetic distortions are completely eliminated because these distortions can only be created where there is a deviation from Cosmic Law. When the energy body remains balanced and distortion-free, the whole energy system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) becomes balanced and the effects of dis-ease and trauma are gently eliminated.
The beauty of the Golden Ray modality is that it gives you a foolproof formula to facilitate powerful healing activations that initiate life-changing results, whilst also leaving space for you to develop and express your own cosmic creativity.
Flexible Online Energy Healing Course
The certification course is delivered 100% online and released over a period of 9 months, but if you need more time to complete your process, that's perfectly fine.
I chose 9 months because of its powerful association with the human gestation period; the birthing of new life. The number 9 adds alchemical power to your initiation process as a Golden Ray Activator. That said, every process is unique.
There is no time limit to submit your final assignment for certification. You can take as much time as you need to practice, gaining confidence at your own pace.
New material is released every month for 9 months covering the following 6 topics:
- Wisdom Teachings of the Golden Ray
- The Rainbow Chakra System
- Merkaba Mathemagic
- Energy Healing Tools
- Cosmic Resonance Attunement
- Group Discussion (optional)
There are no set dates or times for classes. Each month, you engage with the unique content at a time and pace that suits your learning style.
Each month builds on the last, gently activating your cosmic awareness and teaching you all the tools and techniques you need to facilitate powerful Golden Ray activations for healing and ascension.
There are plenty of interactive activities, quizzes, self-care practices and assignments for you to engage with that gently activate and integrate the cosmic frequencies in your energy system, whilst also supporting you to put the tools and techniques you’re learning into practice right away.
Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll cover each month:

18 Hours of Cosmic Frequency Healing Meditation Music
18 x 60 minute MP3 music tracks embedded with the 18 cosmic frequencies.
- Use them for your own meditation practice to boost your vibration.
- Use them as background music during your healing sessions.

FREE Cosmic Frequency Workshop
How To Facilitate Golden Ray Activations With Tuning Forks

FREE Career Workshop
How To Get Started As A Professional Golden Ray Activator
About the Instructor

Ahtayaa Leigh
Energy Healer & Cosmic Wisdom Teacher
Originally from the UK, Ahtayaa Leigh is a successful Energy Healer and founder/guardian of the popular and powerful Golden Ray Initiations, a series of potent energy healing activations that work with the Golden Ray to activate and ignite your Golden Merkaba of Light through a process of initiation and purification. Having walked the path of transmutation and spiritual rebirth, Ahtayaa’s life work is now dedicated to guiding others through the process of deep healing and transformation. Her most heart felt passion is helping other healers truly embrace their innate healing gifts and honor their journey of Self discovery. At the planetary level, Ahtayaa leads ceremonies and activations to support the healing of Mother Earth and collective humanity.
Accreditation & Insurance
The Golden Ray Activator course leads to an internationally recognized energy healing certification, accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. This means that as a graduate of this energy healing course you will be eligible to receive professional membership and practitioner insurance for your business.
Upon successful completion of the course assignments, you will:
- Become a Certified Golden Ray Activator
- Be eligible to join the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
Membership with IICT gives you access to many member benefits, including discounted practitioner insurance in 39 countries.
If you join IICT as a Golden Ray Activator, you'll get 50% OFF your first year membership fees.
Accreditation with IICT demonstrates our joint commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and professionalism within the healing industry.
You can find us listed here under ‘Academy of Energy Healing’

Sample eCertificate
There is no other course like this...
The Golden Ray Initiations is the only healing system that reveals the 18 Cosmic Frequencies and how they relate to the Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body of Light, teaching you super easy to do techniques that not only initiate life-changing healing, but also bring so much joy!
You’ll learn the step-by-step process to activate the cosmic frequencies through the chakras, creating a cosmic resonance field around the recipient that vibrates with Oneness; unconditional love, compassion, truth, peace, harmony and balance. There is no better energy to support healing and ascension.
Whether you’re new to energy healing or have many years of experience under your belt, you’ve been drawn here for a reason.
You’re ready to become a powerful conduit for the cosmic frequencies of the Golden Ray to flow through you, as you, bringing peace, harmony and balance to those around you. You’re ready to restore the original divine vibration of Oneness in the Earth’s energy field through the resonance of your activated cosmic resonance energy field; your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body of Light.
If you’re looking for a modality that raises your vibration and triggers expanded cosmic awareness in life-changing ways that you can touch, feel, understand and interact with, then you’re in the right place.
I’ve used the term "life-changing" a few times, and I don’t use it lightly. The Golden Ray Initiations have changed many lives and helped many people shift into higher frequencies of joy.
Entry Requirements
There are many paths to Oneness, and I don’t feel The Golden Ray Initiations are for everyone. They will come to your attention, if it's meant to be, at just the right time. You’ll know in your heart if it feels right.
As a Golden Ray Activator your cosmic resonance field is your primary healing tool.
Therefore, to enroll in the 9 month certification course it is compulsory that you receive The Golden Ray Initiations of the Rainbow Body of Light. These are the initiations that activate the cosmic frequencies in your energy system that resonate Oneness.
No prior experience of energy healing is necessary, although a basic understanding is useful. What is essential is the desire and commitment to be a compassionate conduit for the heart resonance of cosmic consciousness to flow through you, as you, into the world for the highest good of all.
Certification Bundle
The Golden Ray Initiations + Certified Golden Ray Activator- Includes everything in Entry Level 1 PLUS...
- 9 month certification course, which includes:
- Accredited certification leading to professional membership and practitioner insurance.
- Wisdom Teachings of the Golden Ray
- Revelation of the 18 Cosmic Healing Frequencies
- Healing through the Rainbow Chakra System
- Several Cosmic Attunements
- The only energy healing tools & techniques you'll ever need!
- Ongoing guidance and support
Enroll below if you’re already a Golden Ray Initiate 👇🏽