Energy Healing Blog

cosmic law awakening

Unmasking 6 New Age Deceptions: A Truth Seeker’s Guide

Welcome, Truth Seekers. The New Age movement, with its promises of enlightenment and spiritual growth, often comes wrapped in a shroud of deceptions that can mislead even the most earnest seekers.

color therapy energy healing

The Dance of Light: A Deep Dive into Color Therapy and Energy Healing

Color has been used for centuries as a form of healing and therapy. From ancient civilizations to modern day practices, color has been recognized as a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and…

A Beginner’s Guide to Aura Cleansing

Aura cleansing is an essential practice for anyone on a spiritual seeking path. At its core, it involves purifying and revitalizing the several layers of your energy field that surround your physical body. Just as you would cleanse your physical body…

A Beginner’s Guide to Aura Cleansing

A Beginner’s Guide to Aura Cleansing

Aura cleansing is an essential practice for anyone on a spiritual seeking path. At its core, it involves purifying and revitalizing the several layers of your energy field that surround your physical body. Just as you would cleanse your physical body…

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EarthSpace Collective DNA Healing Activation [VIDEO]

EarthSpace Collective DNA Healing Activation [VIDEO]

The purpose of this activation is to create a collective field of Cosmic Resonance to support the restoration of human and planetary DNA to their primordial vibration of Wholeness, Oneness and Unity.  The original energetic architecture of DNA.

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Are You a Spiritual Warrior?

Are You a Spiritual Warrior?

What is a Spiritual Warrior? A Spiritual Warrior is someone who consciously walks a path of courage and compassion in the quest for truth. The warrior embodies the principles of inner strength, self-awareness, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all...

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How Does Distant Healing Work?

How Does Distant Healing Work?

In the realm of alternative and complementary therapies, distant healing emerges as a fascinating and often debated topic. At its core, distant healing is the process of sending healing energy across time and space, with the intention of fostering wellness in another...

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The Deeper Significance of Seeing 11:11

The Deeper Significance of Seeing 11:11

At one point or another, many of us have caught a glimpse of the clock striking 11:11. For some, this occurrence is a mere coincidence, but for spiritual seekers these four digits ring with a far deeper resonance. This blog post dives into…

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How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last?

How Long Does a Spiritual Awakening Last?

A spiritual awakening is a profound shift in consciousness that can bring about a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. It is a journey towards higher consciousness and can have a lasting impact on one’s life.

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Sacred Breath: Pranayama and Its Role in Energy Healing

Sacred Breath: Pranayama and Its Role in Energy Healing

Breath is the essence of life. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last thing we do before we die. But beyond its physical function, breath also plays a crucial role in our spiritual and emotional well-being. In the ancient practice of yoga,...

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Understanding Your Aura and Its Vibrant Colors

Understanding Your Aura and Its Vibrant Colors

Have you ever felt a sudden shift in energy when someone enters the room? Or have you ever been drawn to someone without knowing why? These experiences may be attributed to the aura, the energy field that surrounds every living being.

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How to Use Sacred Geometry for Energy Healing

How to Use Sacred Geometry for Energy Healing

Sacred geometry is geometric patterns and shapes that are believed to have deep spiritual meaning. These patterns can be observed in nature, art, and architecture, and have been utilized for centuries in diverse spiritual traditions.

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How to Heal your Heart Chakra

How to Heal your Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is referred to as the fourth chakra in the body's energy system. Located in the center of the chest, it is the first chakra to be created and is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. When the heart chakra is...

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Exploring Different Healing Modalities Worldwide

Exploring Different Healing Modalities Worldwide

Healing modalities have been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These practices, often rooted in ancient traditions, have gained popularity in recent years as people seek alternative methods for healing and self-care. In this...

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The Path to Becoming an Intuitive Energy Healer

The Path to Becoming an Intuitive Energy Healer

Energy healing is a holistic practice that focuses on balancing the energy within the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is a growing field that has gained popularity in recent years, with more and more people seeking alternative forms...

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Cosmic Consciousness and The Golden Ratio

Cosmic Consciousness and The Golden Ratio

The connection between cosmic consciousness and the Golden Ratio lies in their shared essence of universal harmony and divine proportions. Cosmic consciousness refers to an expanded state of awareness in which an individual experiences a deep interconnectedness with...

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The Dark Night of the Soul: A Journey Through the Depths

The Dark Night of the Soul: A Journey Through the Depths

The term "Dark Night of the Soul" originated from a poem by St. John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic, in the 16th century. The concept has since been used in literature, music, and other forms of art to describe a period of spiritual questioning and existential crisis....

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Energy Healing: The Secret to Living a Fulfilling Life

Energy Healing: The Secret to Living a Fulfilling Life

In today's world, we are surrounded by constant stressors such as work pressures, family responsibilities, and the ongoing challenges of our everyday lives. We often forget to take care of ourselves, leading to various physical and mental health problems. Thankfully,...

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Get Started by Signing up for a FREE Energy Healing Masterclass

Energy Healing Masterclass

Join Energy Healer and Cosmic Wisdom Teacher, Ahtayaa Leigh, to discover how you too can unlock your innate energy healing skills and divine mission for this lifetime! 

Golden Ray Masterclass

This transformative class will unravel the mysteries of the Cosmic Chakra System, showing you how you can activate yours to raise your vibration and unlock higher levels of awareness.

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