Healing Spaces



Discover Quick and Easy Practices to Cleanse & Protect Your Living Spaces with Peace, Harmony and Balance!

Welcome To Healing Spaces

Healing Spaces introduces tools for a fresh start in regulating your energy spaces to support a more embodied and vibrant life.


Did you know there is within you the limitless potential to heal time and space?


This potential is beyond limitations, beyond suffering, beyond time and it is here where we find peace, balance and harmony.

It is here, in this state of being, that we feel at home and at ease in the rhythm of life. Here we are self-sufficient and infinite. Here we have the potential to illuminate our lives and the spaces we exist in.


Our outer worlds can reflect our inner worlds and we can regulate to our own unique divine design.

Through Healing Spaces you will gain a foundation to create and hold space consciously. With psychic tools, practices and practical meditations aiding to become aware of, readjust, refine (re-find) and to balance all energetic fields in the physical and metaphysical. 

Healing Spaces is divinely designed to open up awareness to sacred spaces within and outside of our physical bodies and provide tools for continual healing and protection.

“The quest to connect with the divine and understand where we come from is a very core part of the human experience.” – National Geographic, Atlas of Sacred Places

  • Travel to sacred grounds and tap into the mystery and magic that connects us all.
  • Introduce practical tools to simplify and create more ease within your daily life.
  • Practice psychic activations to bring peace, balance and harmony to all our energetic bodies.
  • Create rituals to heal all spaces.

What You’ll Gain From This Course

Quick and easy practices to heal spaces across all levels, dimensions and time.

The ability to heal and activate spaces through your psychic powers.

Foundational skills in Feng Shui to help you de-clutter, eliminate excess and stimulate energetic flow.

Grounding techniques that enable you to release attachments with greater ease and grace.

A clearer connection to the communication of your Inner Guide to help you connect with the energy of spaces.

An understanding of Sacred Space with a journey through Sacred Sites around the world.

Practical use of altars to maintain peace, harmony and balance.

Certification of Completion in "Healing Spaces"

Course Contents

  • Hello!
    30 minutes
  • Sign up for Course Announcements
    30 minutes
  • Welcome
    30 minutes
  • Foundations in Time and Space
    30 minutes
  • Whole Healing
    30 minutes
  • Align with Sacred Spaces
    180 minutes
  • Altars Anywhere
    30 minutes
  • Blueprint for Altars
    15 minutes
  • Share Your Altar
    File Upload
  • What is Grounding?
    10 minutes
  • Structure and Support
    30 minutes
  • Blueprints for Grounding
    120 minutes
  • Share your Grounding
  • The Path to Clear and Clean
    60 minutes
  • Blueprints for Organizing Clear and Clean Space
    120 minutes
  • Blueprints for Cleansing
    30 minutes
  • Why the Rose?
    90 minutes
  • Rose Meditations
    90 minutes
  • Blueprints for Meditations
    120 minutes
  • Pillar of Light Meditation
    30 minutes
  • The Ritual of Practice
    90 minutes
  • Blueprint for Healing Spaces
    30 minutes
  • Responsible practices
    30 minutes
  • Your Valued Feedback
    Text Based
  • Download PDF
    30 minutes

Upon completion you will receive a certificate of completion through the Academy of Energy Healing for Healing Spaces and a downloadable Ebook.


There are no prerequisites for this course. A spark of interest, an open heart and mind is all that is required.


Some experience in meditation may be helpful. The course will enhance those in Holistic professions such as energy healing, hypnotherapy, yoga, massage, Reiki, acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, psychology, etc. 


The variety of tools, techniques and approaches presented in the course will help inspire you to find your own ritual of healing spaces in the physical and metaphysical, thus raising your energetic vibration and helping all to heal.


With completion of this course you will have foundational knowledge and tools, along with practical experience to heal your living spaces and time.


I am humbly grateful for this time and space to share methods and tools that have solidified the practices and philosophies that continue to help unlock the mysteries, the stillness, flow and the power within my heart.


This course is dedicated to the health of humanity, to bring a collective rise in consciousness so that we can all thrive and be vibrant in our own lives, with others and within nature.

Thank you. The light and shadow in me, shines to the light and shadow in you. 

About the Instructor

Jacquie Cooper

Jacquie Cooper

Energy Healing Teacher & Guide

 Jacquie Cooper is a dancer, yogi, energy healer, and psychic. She grew up in Boulder, Colorado, whose red rocks formation (flatirons) are a special place of high-frequency energy and healing that helped shape who she is today.

Jacquie has worked with many healers, oracles, and traditional plant medicines along her journey. She is a cosmic traveller whose wanderlust has taken her to many energy centers around the world to ground, cleanse, receive, and support their innate power.

She studied psychology in Costa Rica and holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Colorado. Jacquie is a “Jacquie of many trades” having worked in banking, fashion, insurance, grocery, retail, the food and drink industry, office management, international festivals, pet care, home management and organizing, 20+ years of experience in child education and care. She has sat on non-profit boards and a chamber of commerce. She also is a trained psychic and reiki master. Jacquie is a PADI certified Dive Master. She completed silent meditations and vipassanas as well as yoga training, retreats, and 150 YTT in Southeast Asia, North America and Central America. Jacquie Cooper is honored to be able to volunteer in community and to have witnessed births and deaths.

After meeting Ahtayaa Leigh 10 years ago, she joined the Academy of Energy Healing in 2020 as a student advisor and instructor to support others and the planet through the global challenges and transformation that are underway. She is honored and grateful to help you connect to the Golden Ray and bring light to the world.

Jacquie is a bright light, kind hearted energy healer. Her loving guidance and energy healing has helped me to feel more relaxed, find clarity on my path and navigate the world with more amusement.

Brandon Wilcox

Psychic and Trans-Medium

I attended a workshop facilitated by Jacquie Cooper for meditation beginners. The class was very informative and engaging. She spent equal time with each person and each modality. The time spent learning and doing was meted out purposefully. I would absolutely attend another class with Ms Cooper.

Kristy Zado

Jacquie Cooper is a phenomenal teacher, mentor and guide. She exudes kindness and healing energy. You feel at home with her. She has a personalized touch to her teaching as she explains concepts with grace and humor. She effortlessly weaves together concepts big and small to paint a clear picture of how to heal and grow a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Jacquie is the bees knees!

Courtney Walsh

I always find Jacquie’s tarot readings to be informative, guiding, and spiritually enlightening. She explains each pulled card in depth and provides insight to the card’s meaning and how it positively relates to me. Thanks Jacquie for always taking the time and knowledge to guide me through readings!

Talia Greenfield

Jacquie has a way of taking a concept that is totally foreign to me and relating it to my everyday life. I’ve learned so much about the mystical from just being around her. She is true fountain of enlightenment.

Vicky Snyder