✨ A Message of Healing for the 12/12 Portal ✨

In a couple of days it’s 12/12/24, 12 years on from the potent portal of 2012.
The energy I’m feeling in the build up to this 12/12 portal is mighty and strong… to put it mildly.
The veil between dimensions is clearing, increasing the opportunity for higher cosmic frequencies of peace, harmony and balance to be channeled through the cosmic portals of the planet, you being one of them 🤩.
The message is loud and clear. This 12/12 portal brings the opportunity for deep, DEEP healing. They all do….. But this one feels particularly special.
Here is an important message for this 12/12 portal….
It is NOT necessary to remember or relive the origin of your trauma in order to heal it.
The mind does not hold the key to healing, though it can assist.
It is energy, frequency and vibration that hold the key to healing the root cause of any and ALL trauma, seen or unseen. The source of energy, frequency and vibration is within YOU.
The guidance I’m receiving really wants to reiterate this to you strongly.
With every cosmic gateway we pass through the opportunity for growth and healing gets stronger. Your highest self wants you to use these opportunities for the highest good.
This is why I’m honored to be part of what I have no doubt will be a profoundly healing event: The Soul Mastery Experience.
MySelf and 3 amazing Wayshowers of Light are joining forces to share 4 healing activations and 1 epic roundtable, all designed to help us connect, receive and integrate the powerful frequencies of healing that are already flowing through the 12/12 portal.
Together, let’s hold and send into the collective field the intention to raise our vibration and alchemize the energy of trauma into the energy of joy.
Remember, you do not need to repeat trauma-based patterns any more.
The more of us channeling this intention into the collective field the better, so please come join the magic!