Golden Ray Activator Certification



Discover How To Transmit the Harmonic Cosmic Frequencies that Activate Cosmic DNA, Awaken the Rainbow Body and Eliminate the Root Cause Of Trauma and Disease!

Become a Certified Golden Ray Activator

The Golden Ray Initiations is a unique sound frequency energy healing system that transmits the harmonic frequencies that activate the Cosmic DNA and Rainbow Body Chakra System.  

The Rainbow Body is the whole chakra system that is aligned with Cosmic Law; Wholeness, Oneness and Unity.  It receives and transmits the Cosmic Heart Resonance that manifests Peace, Harmony and Balance.  It is also the energy of Divine Truth that transmutes distortions.

As a Certified Golden Ray Activator you are empowered to:


  • facilitate Cosmic DNA/Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body initiations.
  • receive and transmit the healing power of the Cosmic Heart Resonance.
  • practice professionally as a certified and accredited Golden Ray Activator.

As Part 2 of the Healing Practitioners’ Ascension Pathway, following Part 1 –  The Golden Ray Initiations – the Golden Ray Activator Certification is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive online course containing a transformational blend of illuminating wisdom teachings, practices, activations and sound frequency attunements that empower you to activate the Cosmic DNA and Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body through the use of Cosmic Frequencies.   

The Cosmic Frequencies of the Rainbow Body transmute chaos into order and separation into unity.  They empower the 7 Cosmic Laws of Creation to be active forces in your energy field, allowing the process of creation to unfold in alignment with Divine Order; in peace, harmony and balance.

Golden Ray Initiations restore the recipients’ energy field to its primordial vibration of Oneness, before any distortions were created.  They realign and entrain the energy field to resonate with Cosmic Law, and in the process eliminate the root cause of energetic distortions that cause illness and trauma.  Energetic distortions are completely eliminated because these distortions can only be created where there is a deviation from Cosmic Law.  When the energy body remains balanced and distortion-free, the whole energy system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) becomes balanced and the effects of dis-ease and trauma are gently eliminated. 

The only prerequisite to participate in the Golden Ray Activator Certification is to have participated in The Golden Ray Initiations, which are the foundational Cosmic activations.

Dearest Ahtayaa, This course has been the most important part of my journey to Cosmic Awakening that I have ever experienced. Absolutely foundational and life-changing!

My goal has been to reach Oneness and be of service to all. The Golden Ray of unconditional love, truth and service is all of that and so much more. I am truly experiencing being connected to the Creator and to Gaia through this course. My spiritual gifts are unfolding and a whole new world is opening. What you put into this course is what you get out of it. And there is so much more…. layers upon layers! I know that I will be learning from the content of this course throughout the future years.

Your arrangement of segments in each month and self-paced format gave me time to not only learn but to integrate that portion into my life. As issues surfaced in myself to be healed, the Golden Ray practices, in right timing healed each one and will continue until the work is done. Truth is not an easy journey but so rewarding when one can find the courage to allow the healing process to take place. Joy follows pain, Better follows loss. Not only was the timing right for me, but inevitably, it was exactly what was needed in my healing services to give to others. We truly are all ONE.

This course has brought me to a point where I can say that I am authentic, I AM a tuning fork of the Rainbow and Golden Ray frequencies and will continue expand, learn, be of service to others from the Highest point of light and love possible. I have learned to trust, have patience, and let go to the Divine Wisdom and Guidance received.

Bless you Ahtayaa! I cannot thank you enough for all that you have given me other than to say that I will put it all into practice in service to all. And I look forward to future opportunities to learning from you. 💛🌈🙏 Your grateful student, Norma

Norma Jackson

Everything You Need To Activate the Cosmic DNA and Rainbow Body!

Learn how to facilitate life-changing sound frequency activations using the harmonic frequencies in Hz that upgrade the recipient’s chakra system to the Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body, awakening their Cosmic DNA.

Continue to expand your Cosmic Resonance and multidimensional awareness by engaging in practical, step-by-step activities that reveal the Cosmic Frequencies, Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbology of the Rainbow Body.  By doing this you expand your vibration and clarify your connection to the Greater Reality of Peace, Harmony and Balance.

Discover more easy-to-use frequency elevation tools to raise your vibration, clean your energy system and manifest your intentions for the highest good.

revelation Of The Cosmic Frequencies

Receive and Transmit The Cosmic Frequencies

You will discover the 18 Cosmic Frequencies of the Rainbow Body and their origin in the Cosmic Key.  

The Cosmic Frequencies are the sound frequencies expressed in Hz that upgrade the chakra system and DNA to resonate with Cosmic Law, creating peace, harmony, balance and beauty as part of a holistic, self-generating, self-sustaining energy system.

When the Cosmic Frequencies are sounded in particular harmonic sequences they activate the Rainbow Body Chakra System and Cosmic DNA, creating a Cosmic Resonance field that receives and transmits the principles of Cosmic Consciousness, through you, as you, manifesting the vibration of your highest Divine purpose.

The higher Cosmic Frequencies attune the energy system so that low frequency distortions are gently eliminated and transmuted into peace, harmony and balance at the energetic level, where the root cause is stored.

You will learn the harmonic sequence of the Cosmic Frequencies that form the various sound frequency attunements in this course that activate the Rainbow Body Chakra System.


When an energy system is attuned to the cosmic principles of peace, harmony and balance, a person is able to maintain a sense of inner peace and calm, even when there is chaos in the outer environment.  This ability is crucial to successfully transmute the distortions that arise individually and collectively during this current shift into the higher frequencies of peace and love.

The Cosmic Frequencies, the Cosmic Key and all the cosmic energy healing tools you receive in this course act like tuning forks, harmonizing the energy field of your client, awakening their creative awareness of Cosmic Law, so that it becomes an active force in their life.  By opening the channel of communication to the Golden Akasha of a person’s soul, they are naturally drawn to the right thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions that create their life experiences in harmony with Cosmic Law for the highest good of all.

Prior to working with you I felt “stuck” in a perpetual cycle of judgement, emotional malaise and physical pain. I wanted to get outside of myself, feel more connected to nature and people.

I noticed that within days years of repressed feelings started bubbling up for release.

I encourage other empaths that I encounter to consider the Golden Ray Initiations because of its foundations of Love and its broad aspects regarding the techniques of healing. Basically, nothing escapes the Golden Ray’s healing potential when one intends and is open to its healing work.

You have such an open, loving heart that is so attractive and beckons people to your presence! Keep on making the world a better place Ahtayaa!

Suzy Conley

Right around the time I met Ahtayaa I was trying to find myself and my true purpose here on earth. I felt confused, lost and unsure of everything. I knew I had it in me to be a writer but I didn’t know how.

After my activation I started feeling more sure of myself and more confident. Immediately following the sessions I was able to finish my book in 2 weeks. I felt less indecisive and all of a sudden it was like I had answers to the questions I have been wondering about for years. 

Thanks to the Golden Ray Initiations I was able to find my purpose.

If you’re considering joining the Golden Ray Initiations, GO FOR IT! If you’re struggling to find your purpose DEFINITELY join…. You will find peace of mind.

Lee Sha Prescott

I was attracted to the Golden Ray Initiations because I knew I can heal people with the golden light/energy, but I didn’t know how to use it or I didn’t know if the way I use it is ok. So I found the Golden Ray Initiations were perfect for me.

I started using the golden ray healing right away and I have great success. I use it with other techniques that I remembered and it represents a major part of the healing sessions.

I would really recommend you do the Golden Ray Initiations with Ahtayaa if you are interested in taking your healing practice to a higher level. It is a very powerful tool and you can do so much good with it. I feel it is much stronger and more useful than the reiki I used before. My healing practice has now evolved and I have clarity about my path!

Andreja Sem

The beauty of the Golden Ray modality is that it gives you a foolproof formula to facilitate powerful healing activations that initiate life-changing results, whilst also leaving space for you to develop and express your own cosmic creativity. 

Flexible Online Energy Healing Course

The certification course is delivered 100% online and released over a period of 9 months, but if you need more time to complete your process, that’s perfectly fine. 

I chose 9 months because of its powerful association with the human gestation period; the birthing of new life.  The number 9 adds alchemical power to your initiation process as a Golden Ray Activator.  That said, every process is unique.

There is no time limit to submit your final assignment for certification.  You can take as much time as you need to practice, gaining confidence at your own pace.

New material is released every month for 9 months covering the following 6 topics:

  • Wisdom Teachings of the Golden Ray
  • The Rainbow Chakra System
  • Merkaba Mathemagic
  • Energy Healing Tools
  • Cosmic Resonance Attunement
  • Group Discussion (optional)

There are no set dates or times for classes.  Each month, you engage with the unique content at a time and pace that suits your learning style.

Each month builds on the last, gently activating your cosmic awareness and teaching you all the tools and techniques you need to facilitate powerful Golden Ray activations for healing and ascension.

There are plenty of interactive activities, quizzes, self-care practices and assignments for you to engage with that gently activate and integrate the cosmic frequencies in your energy system, whilst also supporting you to put the tools and techniques you’re learning into practice right away.

Imagine How It Would Feel…

To activate healing for yourself and others that is profoundly life-changing, just through the resonance of your energy field!

To share easy-to-use tools that heal the root cause of any and all disease, transforming chaos into beautiful Divine Order.

To reconnect yourself and others to their soul’s purpose for this lifetime.

To help yourself and others master the process of conscious creation for abundant manifestation.

To empower yourself and others to create the highest good from the field of infinite potential, with ease and grace!

Course Content

  • Course Aims
    5 minutes
  • Course Instructions
    30 minutes
  • How To Engage With This Course
    15 minutes
  • Important Guidance For Golden Ray Activators
    15 minutes
  • Assignment: Opening Your Journal of Cosmic Emergence
    File Upload
    1 minutes
  • RECAP: What is the Golden Ray?
    30 minutes
  • RECAP: What are Golden Ray Initiations?
    30 minutes
  • Assignment: Understanding The Golden Ray
    Text Based
    1 minutes
  • “Do I Need To Be Good At Math?” Spoiler Alert: No!
    30 minutes
  • How Merkaba Mathemagic Enhances Your Healing Power
    30 minutes
    1 minutes
  • About Chakra Energy Centers
    60 minutes
  • The 7 Chakras As A Healing Medium
    30 minutes
  • Linear Chakra System vs Cosmic Chakra System
    90 minutes
  • The Linear Chakra System and Perception
    60 minutes
  • Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body Chakra System
    20 minutes
  • RECAP: Significance of Your Inner Central Sun
    30 minutes
  • RECAP: Significance of the Cosmic Key
    30 minutes
  • RECAP: What is Cosmic DNA?
    120 minutes
    1 minutes
  • What Are Energy Healing Tools?
    10 minutes
  • Energy Healing Tools of the Golden Ray
    10 minutes
  • Cosmic Rainbow Seed of Life
    180 minutes
  • Cosmic Resonance Activation Tools & Techniques
    360 minutes
  • Assignment: Creating Cosmic Resonance Fields
    Text Based
  • Assignment: Activating Your Quartz Healing Crystal
    File Upload
  • COSMIC ATTUNEMENT: Wholeness and Unity
    90 minutes
  • Download PDF
    30 minutes
  • Quiz 1
    20 questions
  • Group Discussion: Month 1
    30 minutes
  • The 7 Cosmic Laws
    30 minutes
  • Assignment P1: Creating a Cosmic Mantra Rainbow Seed of Life
    File Upload
  • Assignment P2: Cosmic Mantra Rainbow Seed of Life
    Text Based
  • Understanding The Distortion
    120 minutes
  • Spiritual Protection
    120 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Deciphering the Codes of Creation Pt1
    30 minutes
  • Revelation Of The Cosmic Frequencies
    120 minutes
  • Deciphering the Codes of Creation Pt2
    360 minutes
  • Assignment: Creating Your Cosmic Frequency Chakra Poster
    File Upload
  • Assignment: Exploring Your Mission Through Your Birth Data
    Text Based
    30 minutes
  • Heart Chakra: The Green Ray
    120 minutes
  • Meditations for the Heart Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Yoga for the Heart Chakra
    30 minutes
  • How to Balance the Heart Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3’s to Balance the Heart Chakra
    360 minutes
  • Assignment: Connecting Your Heart And Hands
    Text Based
    30 minutes
  • Energy Field Protection
    30 minutes
  • Cleansing Techniques
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Quiz 2
    25 questions
  • Group Discussion: Month 2
  • Month 2 Resources
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Exploring Cosmic Consciousness
    30 minutes
  • Assignment: Daoism
    Text Based
  • Assignment: Healing Through The 7 Cosmic Laws
    File Upload
  • Assignment: Creating I AM Affirmation Starter Packs
    File Upload
  • Navigating The Apocalypse
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Chakra Couples
    30 minutes
  • Assignment: Deciphering Chakra Frequencies
    Text Based
  • Drawing A Fibonacci Circle
    30 minutes
  • Assignment: Creating Cosmic Frequency Chakra Merkabas
    File Upload
  • Cosmic Exploratory Homework
    30 minutes
  • The Throat Chakra – Truth Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Meditations for the Throat Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Yoga for the Throat Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Balancing the Throat Chakra
    60 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3’s to balance the Throat Chakra
    180 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic Breathing with Attunement
    30 minutes
  • Quiz 3
    22 questions
  • Group Discussion – Month 3
    30 minutes
  • The 22 Pathways to Cosmic Perfection
    1200 minutes
  • Assignment: Number Interpretation 0 – 10
    Text Based
    30 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Revealing the Fourth Cosmic Frequency Chakra Merkaba
    File Upload
  • Practical Assignment: Initiating the 10 Spheres of Cosmic Radiance
    File Upload
  • Yang Energy Flow Quiz
    13 questions
  • Yin Energy Flow Quiz
    13 questions
  • Mathemagic Printouts
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • The Solar Plexus – Power Chakra
    180 minutes
  • Meditations for the Solar Plexus
    120 minutes
  • Yoga for the Solar Plexus
    240 minutes
  • How to Balance the Solar Plexus
    180 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3’s to Balance the Solar Plexus
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Yin Yang Energy Healing
    30 minutes
  • Yin Energy Healing
    30 minutes
  • Yang Energy Healing
    30 minutes
  • Assignment: When to Yin and when to Yang?
    Text Based
    60 minutes
  • Group Discussion – Month 4
    30 minutes
  • Assignment: Number Interpretation 11 – 22
    Text Based
  • Understanding the Shadow Self
    360 minutes
  • Empathy and the Clairs
    240 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Revealing the Harmonic Frequencies of the 10 Cosmic Spheres
    File Upload
    30 minutes
  • The Third Eye Chakra – Intuition Chakra
    90 minutes
  • Meditations for the Third Eye
    30 minutes
  • Yoga for the Third Eye
    30 minutes
  • Balancing The Third Eye
    120 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3s to Balance the Third Eye
    180 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Facilitating Shadow Work
    180 minutes
  • Expansion & Manifestation vs Reduction & Elimination
    30 minutes
    60 minutes
  • Quiz 5
    19 questions
  • Group Discussion – Month 5
    30 minutes
  • DNA for Golden Ray Activators
    120 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Cosmic Key DNA Upgrade
    File Upload
  • Practical Assignment: Creating the Cosmic Chromosome Circle
    File Upload
  • How Does Cosmic DNA Activation Work?
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • The Sacral Chakra – Creativity Chakra
    60 minutes
  • Meditations for the Sacral Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Yoga for the Sacral Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Balancing The Sacral Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3s to Balance the Sacral Chakra
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Intention and Attention
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic DNA Rainbow Body Upgrade: Sound Frequency Attunement
  • Assignment: Experiencing Cosmic DNA Upgrade
    File Upload
  • Ancestral Healing Journey
    60 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Quiz 6
    23 questions
  • Assignment: The Central Sphere
    Text Based
  • Group Discussion – Month 6
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic Portals and Time Gates
    120 minutes
  • Assignment: Identifying Your Local Cosmic Portal
    Text Based
  • Raising The Planetary Vibration
    30 minutes
  • The Crown Chakra – Wisdom Chakra
    60 minutes
  • Meditations for the Crown Chakra
    120 minutes
  • Yoga for the Crown Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Balancing The Crown Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3s to Balance the Crown Chakra
    180 minutes
    30 minutes
  • The Auras and Healing
    60 minutes
  • Aura Layers and Their Meaning
    60 minutes
  • How to See Auras
    30 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Practicing Seeing Auras
    Text Based
  • Aura Colors and Their Meaning
    60 minutes
  • Aura Cleansing
    240 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Solfeggio Frequencies and Cosmic Frequencies
    300 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Chakra Poster
    File Upload
  • Solfeggio Quiz
    7 questions
    30 minutes
  • Healing with Cosmic Portals
    180 minutes
  • Assignment: Creating a Cosmic Healing Portal
    File Upload
  • The 2202|2022 Portal
    30 minutes
  • Group Discussion – Month 7
    30 minutes
  • Understanding Multidimensional Communication
    60 minutes
  • Assignment: Multidimensional Communication
    Text Based
  • Akashic Records Activation
    60 minutes
    30 minutes
  • PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT: The Cosmic Tree of Life
    File Upload
    30 minutes
  • The Root Chakra – Grounding Chakra
    90 minutes
  • Meditations for the Root Chakra
    180 minutes
  • Yoga for the Root Chakra
    180 minutes
  • Balancing The Root Chakra
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic Frequency MP3s for the Root Chakra
    180 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Reading Chakras and the Energy Field
    120 minutes
  • Unbalanced Chakras
    60 minutes
  • Chakras with Structural Defects
    60 minutes
  • Attachments and Cords
    90 minutes
  • Energizing and Unblocking Chakras
    60 minutes
  • Assignment: How Do You Sense/Read Chakras?
    Text Based
  • Chakra and Aura Defects Quiz
    8 questions
    30 minutes
  • Distortion Diagnosis with Pendulums
    30 minutes
    30 minutes
  • Group Discussion – Month 8
  • Your Responsibility as a Golden Ray Activator
    30 minutes
  • Types of Golden Ray Activation
    60 minutes
  • The Ritual of Healing
    30 minutes
  • Preparing for a Golden Ray Activation
    90 minutes
  • Opening a Golden Ray Activation
    60 minutes
  • Closing a Golden Ray Activation
    60 minutes
  • Creating Your Activation Opening and Closing Prayers/Intentions
    Text Based
    30 minutes
  • Cosmic DNA Upgrade: Hands-Off, In-Person Activation
    240 minutes
  • Cosmic DNA Upgrade: Guided Activation, In-Person and Online
    240 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Facilitating Your Own Cosmic DNA Upgrade Activations
    File Upload
  • Trinity Infinity Facilitator Attunement
    180 minutes
  • Trinity Infinity Balancing: Hands-Off, In-Person Activation
    240 minutes
  • Trinity Infinity Balancing: Guided Activation, In-Person and Online
    240 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Facilitating Your Own Trinity Infinity Balancing Activations
    File Upload
  • Dynamic Harmonics Facilitator Attunement
    180 minutes
  • Dynamic Harmonics: Hands-Off, In-Person Activation
    240 minutes
  • Dynamic Harmonics: Guided Activation, In Person and Online
    240 minutes
  • Practical Assignment: Facilitating Your Own Dynamic Harmonics Activations
    File Upload
  • Final Assignment – Video or Audio Practice Session
    File Upload
  • ACTION REQUIRED: Obtaining your Certificate
    30 minutes
  • Please share your valued feedback
    30 minutes
  • Using Tuning Forks for Cosmic DNA Activation
    30 minutes

About the Instructor

Ahtayaa Leigh

Ahtayaa Leigh

Energy Healer & Cosmic Wisdom Teacher

Originally from the UK, Ahtayaa Leigh is a successful Energy Healer and founder/guardian of the popular and powerful Golden Ray Initiations, a series of potent energy healing activations that work with the Golden Ray to activate and ignite your Golden Merkaba of Light through a process of initiation and purification. Having walked the path of transmutation and spiritual rebirth, Ahtayaa’s life work is now dedicated to guiding others through the process of deep healing and transformation. Her most heart felt passion is helping other healers truly embrace their innate healing gifts and honor their journey of Self discovery. At the planetary level, Ahtayaa leads ceremonies and activations to support the healing of Mother Earth and collective humanity.

Accreditation & Insurance

accredited energy healing courseThe Golden Ray Activator course leads to an internationally recognized energy healing certification, accredited by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.  This means that as a graduate of this energy healing course you will be eligible to receive professional membership and practitioner insurance for your business.

Upon successful completion of the course assignments, you will:

Membership with IICT gives you access to many member benefits, including discounted practitioner insurance in 39 countries.

If you join IICT as a Golden Ray Activator, you’ll get 50% OFF your first year membership fees.

Accreditation with IICT demonstrates our joint commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and professionalism within the healing industry.

You can find us listed here under ‘Academy of Energy Healing

Sample eCertificate

There is no other course like this…

The Golden Ray Initiations is the only healing system that reveals the 18 Cosmic Frequencies and how they relate to the Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body of Light, teaching you super easy to do techniques that not only initiate life-changing healing, but also bring so much joy!

You’ll learn the step-by-step process to activate the cosmic frequencies through the chakras, creating a cosmic resonance field around the recipient that vibrates with Oneness; unconditional love, compassion, truth, peace, harmony and balance. There is no better energy to support healing and ascension.

Whether you’re new to energy healing or have many years of experience under your belt, you’ve been drawn here for a reason

You’re ready to become a powerful conduit for the cosmic frequencies of the Golden Ray to flow through you, as you, bringing peace, harmony and balance to those around you.  You’re ready to restore the original divine vibration of Oneness in the Earth’s energy field through the resonance of your activated cosmic resonance energy field; your Golden Merkaba Rainbow Body of Light.

If you’re looking for a modality that raises your vibration and triggers expanded cosmic awareness in life-changing ways that you can touch, feel, understand and interact with, then you’re in the right place.

I’ve used the term “life-changing” a few times, and I don’t use it lightly.  The Golden Ray Initiations have changed many lives and helped many people shift into higher frequencies of joy.

Entry Requirements

  • It is mandatory to have completed The Golden Ray Initiations before enrolling in this course.
  • No prior experience of energy healing is necessary, although a basic understanding is useful.
  • What is essential is the desire and commitment to be a compassionate conduit for the Cosmic Heart Resonance of Cosmic Consciousness to flow through you, as you, into the world for the highest good of all.


Golden Ray Activator Certification

