Raise Your Vibration and Embody Your Innate Energy Healing Mastery!
Accredited Energy Healing Certification and Life-changing Activations FREE MasterclassesView All CoursesAre you searching for an affordable, accredited online energy healing course that accelerates your own self-healing whilst also earning you an energy healing certification that empowers you to practice as a professional Energy Healer?
If yes, search no more.
Get Started by Signing up for a FREE Energy Healing Masterclass... or Two!
Energy Healing Masterclass
Join Energy Healer and Cosmic Wisdom Teacher, Ahtayaa Leigh, to discover how you too can unlock your innate energy healing skills and divine mission for this lifetime!
Ultimate Chakra Masterclass
This transformative class will unravel the mysteries of the Cosmic Chakra System, showing you how you can activate yours to raise your vibration and unlock higher levels of awareness.
Featured Energy Healing Courses
Accredited Energy Healing Certification
At Academy of Energy Healing, our accredited energy healing certification courses teach you down-to-earth, heart-centered energy healing techniques grounded in spiritual principles that raise your vibration and improve your general wellbeing.
Our comprehensive curriculums explore the truths about energy healing that enable you to become a masterful channel of healing energy.
Led by Cosmic Wisdom Teacher Ahtayaa Leigh, you’ll not only receive tried and tested energy healing training, you’ll benefit from grounded spiritual guidance and life-changing energetic activations. These unique activations deepen the connection to your inner wisdom, fostering expansion from within. This leads to profound personal and professional transformation.
Our energy healing courses focus on experiential learning. Through practice and self-reflection, our students discover their innate healing abilities while leading more purposeful lives.
Browse our energy healing courses to discover if the Academy of Energy Healing is a fit for your personal and professional transformation.
Insights About Energy, Healing & Consciousness
Guided Meditation vs. Guided Activation
In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of mindfulness and personal growth has led many to explore practices like guided meditation and guided activation. But what exactly are these practices, and how do they differ?
Harness the 7 Cosmic Laws for Manifesting Abundance
Manifestation is more than a buzzword—it’s an ancient practice that has transformed countless lives by turning desires into reality. At its core, manifestation involves aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your goals to attract the life…
OM Chanting: Science, Spirituality, and Your Well-being
In the realm of yoga and meditation, chanting OM stands out as a profound practice revered for its holistic benefits. Often heard in studios and retreats worldwide, the sound of OM resonates deeply with those seeking harmony and balance.